Hegemonic and technological stability: examining the American policy in controlling technological diffusion from the university and its international consequences.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of the Department of International Studies in Science and Technology, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran,

2 Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran


After World War II speed of science production in the world increased significantly and it became a place of conflict between the great powers. In this period mechanisms to control the spread of sensitive and strategic technologies called export control regimes emerged so that the export of any sensitive and strategic technology can be carried out under the supervision of these regimes. nowdays with the increase of imperceptible spread of technology and the entry of emerging technologies into strategic field, the effectiveness of previous supervision and control has decreased, and more measures are being set to protect the spread of scientific and technical achievements by the leading powers. In this regard, the institution of the university as the main forum for the production of science, technology and innovation has entered the power game and acts as a strategic tool to increase and maintain the power of countries. Using the theoretical literature on international regimes and hegemonic stability, as well as the available empirical evidence, the current research seeks to answer the basic question of how the United States controls the spread of science and technology in universities in order to maintain its leadership in the international system, and the consequences of such What is a policy? The qualitative review of the available data and the analysis of the available documents in the last two decades showed that the main goal of these regimes is to maintain and promote the hegemonic power of the United States and prevent the reduction of its power gap with its strategic competitors, because emerging technologies can create new balances of power, order It is desirable to weaken the hegemony to the point of collapse, and ultimately its consequence is limitation and backwardness, deepening of the technological gap, reduction of welfare and development among other countries.


  • Receive Date: 10 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 30 November 2024
  • Accept Date: 01 December 2024
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2024