Guide for Authors

How to compile, write and send articles

Due to the free access to the journal's articles, we do not accept articles containing confidential information.

Respected authors are requested to follow the following guidelines to speed up the evaluation and printing process:


First: Brief specifications of the article


1. Full title of the article

2. The full name and surname of the author or authors under the title should be as follows:

- Name and surname of the first author;

- the name and surname of the second author and then other authors;


Note 1: In the footer of the first page, the scientific rank, field of study, scientific group, and organizational affiliation should be written in order, along with the e-mail address of the responsible author and other authors.

Note 2: If the responsible author is not specified, the first author will be responsible for the article.


Second: organizing and compiling the article

Abstract: between 200 and 250 words
Keywords: between 3 and 5 words
The length of the article is 5 to 8 thousand words
- Introduction (including statement of the problem, proposal of the hypothesis, importance and necessity, goals of the article, proposal of the main question in two pages at most)

- Research background review

- Method: determining the appropriate method as well as the method of data collection and analysis

- Theoretical foundations: description of the theoretical framework

- The main body of the article: including analysis and explanation of research data, tables and graphs (with numbers and guides) and... in order to answer questions or test hypotheses

- Conclusion: expressing the findings of the article along with criticism or suggestion

- Sources: at the end of the article, including a) Persian sources, b) English and Arabic sources, c) digital sources


Third: Numbering system

The numbering method of the main titles, i.e. (theoretical foundations, research methods, etc.) is numbered with Persian letters (A, B, P...) and sub-titles are numbered with numbers (3, 2, 1...) of the sub-titles. be numbered with (1-1, 2-1, 3-1, ...).


Fourth: How to write articles


1. The article should be typed only through Microsoft Word software version 2010 or 2007 and as follows:

Title: BTitr 12
Abstract and key words: B Lotus 10
Titles: B Lotus 14
Subtitles: B Lotus 13
Article text: B Zar 12
Titles of tables and charts: B Lotus 10
Persian sources: B Lotus 10
English sources: Times New Roman 9
Notes and bibliography: B lotus 10
2. The length of the article should be between 5000 and 8000 words.

3. Regarding ambiguous foreign words or non-Persian equivalents, immediately after mentioning such words (only in the first reference), write the Latin equivalent in the form of a subtitle at the bottom of the same page.

4. The English translation of the article title, abstract and keywords should be sent along with the article.
5. The title of the graphs and pictures should be inserted below them and the tables above it. To insert the title of each figure or table, after the word figure or table and its number, a dash and then the title should be mentioned. Photos must be clearly in JPG or DPI 300 format and with high quality in the article. Figures and tables should each have consecutive numbers and be self-explanatory without the need to refer to text explanations. At the same time, the source of images and tables (either using other people's content or self-made) should be included as an in-text reference under the headings.

6. In-text referencing:

- Persian sources: (author's last name, year of publication: page) / such as: (Tafzaili, 2013: 32) (Tafzali, Vol. 2, 383: 32).

- Latin sources: (surname, year of publication: page) such as: (Zakaria, 2009:50)

- Important note: Respected authors should note that if the source you are using has used another source, ethically and professionally, it is necessary to include an internal text reference in your article according to the "quote from" rule. Of course, to increase the scientific credibility of the article, it is better for the respected author to refer to the original source directly and to have seen and recorded the article himself.
For example: if you come across an article in Saeedi's article published in 2019, which is taken from Mirzai, published in 2015, page 10, your in-text reference should be as follows: (Mirzai, 2015: 10; Saidi, 2019: 67).

Note 1: Avoid using the words same, previous, etc. in referencing.

Note 2: If an author has published more than one work in a year, they should be distinguished from each other by mentioning alphabetical letters after the year of publication.

Note: Respected authors who use the articles of this publication as sources in compiling their works will have a higher score in the evaluation of the submitted articles.

Fifth: Bibliography at the end of the article based on alphabetical order


* Book

Last name, author's name. (publication date). The title of the book. Translator's name, place of publication: publisher's name, publication number, volume.


  Spriggans, Thomas. (1370). Understanding political theories. Translation of Farhang Rajaee, Tehran; Aware publications.

              Nye, Joseph. (2004) Soft Power: The Means of Success in World Politics. New York: W.W. Norton.

* Article

  Last name, author's name. (publication date). Title. Name of the publication, period of the publication (issue number), pages, D.O.I.: if any


Koshki, Mohammad Sadeq and Abolfazl Babaei. (1389). Consequences of the power vacuum caused by the expulsion of America from the Persian Gulf. American Strategic Studies Quarterly. 2(5) 99-124,

    Nye, Joseph. (1990). Soft Power. foreign policy. No.80 Twentieth Anniversary, Autumn, pp.153-171.

* Electronic resources:

Last name, author's name, title of the article, date of visiting the site or the last date of updating the site, exact Internet address or CD access (along with the news number or news code if any),


  Shariat, Farshad. Scholarship for foreign students, website of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, last update date 6/16/2013:



Seventh: Considerations

Acknowledgment: The author/authors are required to acknowledge the financial or spiritual sponsor or creditor of the research (if any) that they have used in writing the article at the end of the article.

1. The submitted article should not be published in any domestic or foreign magazine.

2. The submitted article should not be sent to other journals at the same time.

3. "American Strategic Studies" magazine is free to modify and edit articles.

4. Articles sent to the journal will not be returned.

5. We request the authors to complete, sign, and scan the conflict of interest form and letter of commitment along with the article file in the attachment, otherwise the review of the article will not be effected.


Eighth: matching


In order to respect the intellectual rights of the creators of the works, get the matching form from valid databases and send it along with the article.


"Respected authors can use the Samimnoor system to find similarities".