The international system has gone through several periods in terms of its structure and system dynamics and interacting units. From the concerted order at the Congress of Vienna to the bipolar order of the Cold War period and subsequently, the post-Cold War international order (unipolar or unipolar), each of the aforementioned forms have undergone a transformation. The common denominator of most of these orders is British geopoliticism, which has played a key role in the formation, continuation, stabilization and revival of the liberal world empire. This factor has been used in the period of dominance of the American discourse and order in order to cover internal gaps and reproduce the desired order. The current article examines the state of changes in the international order in the period of historical transition and the prominence of signs of geopoliticism in the process of transition from the current international order. In this regard, Halford Mackinder's geopolitical framework has been used to analyze the process of formation, consolidation, strengthening and revival of empires. Using the approach of comparative reasoning and comparative-historical analysis of the era of the British Empire and the American international order in the post-Cold War period, it is argued that with the emergence of signs of transition in the western-oriented international order,. This article is comparative-historical and the required information is collected by library method and reference to reliable internet sources.
Pirmohammadi, S., & Jafari, A. A. (2024). American international order in the period of historical transition; Revival of the empire in the context of geopolitics. American Strategic Studies, 4(13), 47-76.
Saeed Pirmohammadi; Ali Akbar Jafari. "American international order in the period of historical transition; Revival of the empire in the context of geopolitics", American Strategic Studies, 4, 13, 2024, 47-76.
Pirmohammadi, S., Jafari, A. A. (2024). 'American international order in the period of historical transition; Revival of the empire in the context of geopolitics', American Strategic Studies, 4(13), pp. 47-76.
Pirmohammadi, S., Jafari, A. A. American international order in the period of historical transition; Revival of the empire in the context of geopolitics. American Strategic Studies, 2024; 4(13): 47-76.