.Analyzing patterns of American intervention in Iran's economic sectors using Babuk tools, mechanisms, effects and ways out

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Economics graduate of Islamic Azad University

3 Doctoral student of International Relations, Faculty of Law, Political Science and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran

4 Member of the Faculty of Strategic Studies Research Institute


Intervention includes overt and covert efforts aimed at changing, replacing, or preserving foreign governments. These efforts include a wide and diverse range of political, economic, security, military and technological measures. The process of these interventions reached its peak after World War II and the United States becoming one of the poles of the world in competition with the Soviet Union, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it appeared at new levels in order to establish American hegemony. This article is trying to answer the question, assuming that the new intervention approaches are mostly based on economic issues, what were the patterns of foreign intervention in Iran's economic sectors? By studying the Babuk mechanism, the research finally analyzes the mechanism, effects and approaches in this field. due to the level of existing bank systems and the lack of effective communication between business and existing information systems; The decision-making system in the bank is facing a lot of challenges. By establishing a relationship between the business and the data system, the Babuk standard tries to organize the decision-making system in such a way that decisions are made based on a correct understanding of the bank's environment and conditions, which is now completely dependent on the elite level and The experience of managers. The findings of the research indicate that the three general methods of intervention of the United States of America on Iran include direct sanctions on economic sectors, indirect restrictions on economic sectors and direct damage, sabotage and hacking of economic infrastructure.


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