Factors and methods of combined network warfare of the United States against the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Amini Security Department, Faculty of National Security, National Defense University and Higher Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member


And then the methods of its implementation have been specified. In combined network warfare, the border between military and civilians as well as peace and war has disappeared and all of them are interwoven in a gray environment. The main purpose of this article is to identify the factors and methods of combined cyber warfare of the United States against Iran. This research is applied-developmental and has been carried out by field-case method, the information tools and data are library and field, the sample size is 49 people. The findings of the research show that in combined warfare, actions, agents and methods do not need to play a role, if they are effective, it is enough and there is no need for a series of actions to be carried out simultaneously and in parallel. But in combined network warfare, measures, agents and methods must play a role and must be done simultaneously and parallel to each other. According to the results of the research, in the combined network war, due to the information aristocracy, the calculation error coefficient is low, but in the combined war, the calculation error is high. The combined cyber war of the United States against Iran includes 67 factors and 24 methods. 39 of the 67 elements of the United States' combined war against Iran are effective elements and 37 are role-playing elements.


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