Racist Discrimination in the US: A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


iots of 2020 in many American cities and demonstrations and protests by anti-racist groups in this country once again drew public attention to the issue of racism in the US and its deep roots. Despite considerable changes in the recent decades, research shows that the US still suffers from racism, and race is still the source of deep problems in US society. “Race” will continue to be the source of social problems in the US for many years to come and any endeavor to show that America no longer suffers from racism tells us that race still matters. The present study draws on the data from a recent PEW study in the US, and after separating black and white respondents, compares perceptions of these two groups on different issues. Findings indicated that the race gap in the US is not limited to police misbehavior or economic equality and encompasses many other issues.


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